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Industry Info

Communication policy

In addition to the content regularly published on NSPA website, the Market Research and Industry Information Section is the designated focal point for information to Industry and the recipient of general questions or enquiries, i.e. outside a specific solicitation or process where there is a procurement official formally appointed.

NSPA is committed to keeping a close and transparent relationship with industry, therefore questions and comments are instrumental and most welcome.

Industry Days

To foster engagement with current and future industry partners, NSPA organizes Industry Days, by nation or around a specific capability/domain, where participants receive punctual information on upcoming opportunities and topics of general interest. These Industry Days are announced on the NSPA website (FBOs pages) as well as through our communication channels and attendance normally requires prior registration.

National Industry Days

These events provide an opportunity for companies to gain a better understanding of NSPA procurement processes, rules and regulations and to discuss potential opportunities for cooperation in life cycle management, in-service support and support of operations.

UK Industry Day held at NSPA on 8 September 2022

Capability-based Industry Days

Industry Days can also focus on specific capabilities, enabling a dialogue that not only informs industry representatives about future requirements, but also allows the Agency to solicit their participation in proposing potential capability solutions. Successful examples of these have been the Alliance Future Surveillance and Control (AFSC) Industry Day and the Multinational Multi-Role Tanker Transporter Fleet (MMF) Industry Day.

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